Festive seasons have always been a time for holidays and chill. The day I started CARVE Pilates Studio, I realised my version of festive celebration comes from sustaining through yet another festive season.
It's real, costs of operations remain, but most people are not in town or the festive celebrations have been the primary centrepiece. I marvel and stand amazed that CARVE indeed has gone through two rounds of festivities. Totally totally grateful.
I am penning this with sips of sake warming my heart. Brought me to my days in Canberra where every academic paper I wrote was accompanied by a glass of Brown Brothers. Those were the days when a bottle only cost A$5! Blessed, today’s sake is a gift from a client.
During the launch of my Pilates studio, I received many celebratory “dreams come true” well-wishes. As I reflect on these 1.5 years since incorporation date, I would like to rephrase it as “a dream I’d not have dreamt” if my tents were not enlarged.
Seeing marked recovery in clients with neurodegeneration, stroke, scoliosis, orthopaedic surgery, cancer treatment and falls have been the most fruitful reward in this journey. Not to forget the general population who came in with upper and lower back pains and knee pains now report a reduction in pains. Of course, all of these clients have been consistent in the practice to reap the benefits of Pilates and barefoot science.
The vision of a community to encourage each other to become the stronger and fitter selves become even more apparent as I see how clients asked about each other when they didn’t see them in classes. They shared information with each other on how they have overcome chronic pains and living a renewed confidence in their bodies. Pure joy!
2024 has been trying as my family rode through the uncertainties from multiple incidental finds to battle cancer. The love and care we received from our clients; the understanding in class schedule adjustments to accommodate all the hospital appointments; the prayers and listening ears to all medical frustrations; the list goes on. This is what CARVE Pilates Studio is all about – a community of individuals of varied backgrounds, embracing the present together and encourage each other to take the step of faith forward.
As the year draws to an end, the team is brewing something new in 2025 in relation to fall prevention. Get in touch if you know it will benefit someone around you.
To everyone around me, loving on me, teaching me, thank you for 2024. I wish you and your loved ones blessed health and indescribable joy as we enter into the New Year. See you in 2025!
Caption: My year-end progress for #calisthenics pancake! Hanging out there at the base for a longer time. Aiming for longer and deeper hold in 2025! Definitely a super hamstring challenge post-autograft, and that's where improved mindbody connection and understanding when to progress is critical for injury prevention.